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Phoenix once again pulls in an exceptional performance, as do Amy Adams and Rooney Mara, as Twombly's long-time friend Amy and his ex-wife Catherine respectively. Also notable is how Jonze and Van Hoytema work with little more than Johansson's voice to masterfully coax a paying audience into accepting Samantha as a tangibly present, very human character throughout. Theodore and Samantha predominantly interact through a wireless earpiece and palm-sized flip-top tablet. You never see Johansson. And, whether sparked by pragmatic budget constraints or conscious aesthetic restraint, the elegant vision for this near-future LA is noticeably beautiful without it being a distraction. This is a gorgeous-looking movie, over-all.

Sadly, Her ends up being a fairly forgettable Art House flick. Jonze's screenplay struggles really, really hard at conjuring up poignant insight about the human condition from brutally monotonous material presented as either sappy drawn out anecdotes or desperately edited montages. Sure, there are a couple of humorously strange highlights related to sex that tease you into believing the story will eventually lead to greater creative plot points. However, the script then defaults to empty blathering sleep mode for the duration. Nothing worth the price of admission happens.

Steer clear of this one unless you're a die hard Joaquin Phoenix fan. His performance and those of this supporting cast are sporadically relatable, but the relentlessly boring dialogue and uneventful story rapidly deflate every enjoyable aspect of this otherwise elegant flick. To the point where it's barely worth a rental for the sake of idle curiosity. Too bad. Reviewed 01/14, © Stephen Bourne, moviequips.ca

Click here for the moviequips Her pressbook review at Hubpages.

Her is rated 14A by the Ontario Film Review Board, citing limited use of slurs, coarse language, sexual references, partial or full nudity in a brief sexual situation, fondling, and sexual innuendo, and is rated G by la Régie du Cinéma in Québec.

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showtimes: http://www.google.ca/movies?near=kanata-ottawa&hl=en&view=map&date=0


Website: http://www.herthemovie.com/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne6p6MfLBxc
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1798709/
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Her_(film)

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Stephen Bourne's Movie Quips © Stephen Bourne. Moviequips.ca and moviequips.com are the property of Stephen Bourne. All content of this website is owned by Stephen Bourne, unless obviously not (such as possible reference links, movie synopsis and/or posters featured under the terms of fair use) or attributed otherwise. This website is based in Ottawa, Canada.